Individual Accommodation Plan Process

After a student is accepted to NCSSM, the parent/guardian must complete a Counseling Services Form through their Student Information System account. The parent/guardian will be provided an opportunity to inform the NCSSM Accessibility Services staff of their student’s current status as a student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan, if applicable, and to indicate that they would like their child to be considered for accommodations at NCSSM. If the student has not been receiving accommodations at their home school, a parent/guardian can indicate that they are requesting accommodations. The parent/guardian will be contacted by the Accessibility Services staff to begin the accommodation request process.

It is important to note that a parent/guardian may contact the Accessibility Services staff to begin the accommodation request process at any time during the student’s enrollment at NCSSM. Some accommodations and services must be requested well in advance of each semester. For example, interpreter services and services for the blind all require students to communicate their service needs to the Accessibility Services staff well before the beginning of each semester. In such cases, students should provide a minimum of two months advance notice if possible.  Similarly, academic accommodations cannot be provided retroactively. For example, AS generally cannot provide accommodations for an examination if a student requests accommodations only after the student takes the examination (e.g., via a determination of grade change or other retroactive change). 


Submit required documentation to Accessibility Services. The following documentation is required to assist in determining a student’s eligibility for reasonable accommodations through an Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP):

Following receipt of this information, Accessibility Services may request the opportunity to speak personally with the Parent(s)/Guardian(s), student or applicant to obtain additional information, or may recommend that further documentation or information to support the academic accommodations request be provided to Accessibility Services.


Upon receiving a student's or applicant's request for academic accommodations, Accessibility Services will determine whether the student or applicant is eligible to receive such an accommodation based upon the documentation timely submitted to Accessibility Services.

If Accessibility Services determines that the student or applicant is eligible to receive an academic accommodation, the Accessibility Specialist will contact the parent(s)/guardian(s), student or applicant and the Individualized Accommodation Plan (IAP) team to schedule a meeting for a detailed discussion to determine whether the accommodation is reasonable based on the documentation provided or whether the accommodation would constitute a fundamental alteration or impose an undue burden of the academic program or admissions process. The NCSSM IAP team consists of the:

Once determined that that accommodation(s) are reasonable, the IAP Team will collaboratively write the IAP and formalize the plan through their signatures.

For Emotional Support Animal (ESA) accommodation requests, determination for eligibility will be considered by the NCSSM ESA Team consisting of the:


Once the IAP team has determined appropriate and reasonable accommodation(s) for a student, the Academic Accessibility Specialist will upload the IAP to the NCSSM Student Information System to allow all faculty and staff with whom the student interacts access to the IAP.

IAP Monitoring

NCSSM Accessibility Services staff will monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the IAP and will remain in communication with the student, the student’s NCSSM Support Team, faculty/staff, and the parent/guardian, throughout the duration of the IAP .

IAP Review/Amendments

A parent/guardian and/or student may request, through the Accessibility Services staff, that the IAP be reviewed or amended at any time during their enrollment at NCSSM. Additional documentation may be required to assist in determining the reasonableness of the requested change to the IAP. The procedures described in the initial request for accommodations will be applied when considering amendments to the IAP.

All students who received accommodations at any point in their junior year will have their IAP reviewed by the Academic Accessibility Specialist  at the beginning of their senior year.

Discontinuation of IAP

A parent/guardian and/or student can request the discontinuation of an IAP at any time during the student’s enrollment at NCSSM. The request must:

Once received, Accessibility Services staff will acknowledge receipt of the request and inform all relevant faculty/staff to discontinue implementation of IAP.